"I don't understand this hype on Bruno Mars and his songs...!",
cakap aku pada dak kawan2 aku yang suka sangat n obses pd si Bruno Mars. Yes, he's the up and coming talented singer... but wassup with this craze? Yeah, I do like most of his songs but not to the extend of talking about him during breakfast, lunch,teatime o during jogging time... dan aku pasti dak laki pun ramai yang suka danworship Bruno Mars dan lagu-lagu dia yang meletopsssss bang bang boom kepaa pooom! Okay2...actually aku pun dah bertambah suka ngan Bruno Mars nih... I like his latest song (latest to me la...) titled Marry You. Nice babes! Now I kinda understand all this madness about him... from a guy's perspective of course...
The vid already has the lyrics..thanks to the hardworking vid maker... I believe the Brunohearts (if that's what Bruno's fans call themselves...sorry so random :-p) really appreciated it...
Let's go back to the song... other than the catchy and cool rhythm, I love the bubbly and naughty lyrics... It's so me... lalallalala... and my favorite part is the entire lyrics! Cewah... Mekasih bro Bruno! Anda seakan memahami citarasa saya... Mungkin kita adalah sepupu yang dah lama terpisah.... kahkahkah....
p\ s :lagu nie aku dedikasikasikan pada balal BF akuh.kahkahkah ! sape kah yang malang itu.. * sambi angkat2 kening * ... oh ya ! i do something bad last night.!
cakap aku pada dak kawan2 aku yang suka sangat n obses pd si Bruno Mars. Yes, he's the up and coming talented singer... but wassup with this craze? Yeah, I do like most of his songs but not to the extend of talking about him during breakfast, lunch,teatime o during jogging time... dan aku pasti dak laki pun ramai yang suka danworship Bruno Mars dan lagu-lagu dia yang meletopsssss bang bang boom kepaa pooom! Okay2...actually aku pun dah bertambah suka ngan Bruno Mars nih... I like his latest song (latest to me la...) titled Marry You. Nice babes! Now I kinda understand all this madness about him... from a guy's perspective of course...
Well, he needs no introduction
Well, I know most of you might have already listened to this vid but just to celebrate the song's awesomeness....
Let's go back to the song... other than the catchy and cool rhythm, I love the bubbly and naughty lyrics... It's so me... lalallalala... and my favorite part is the entire lyrics! Cewah... Mekasih bro Bruno! Anda seakan memahami citarasa saya... Mungkin kita adalah sepupu yang dah lama terpisah.... kahkahkah....
p\ s :lagu nie aku dedikasikasikan pada balal BF akuh.kahkahkah ! sape kah yang malang itu.. * sambi angkat2 kening * ... oh ya ! i do something bad last night.!
uka giler dgn BM..HAHHA..follow ur blog..:)
puteri singgah sini . . :)
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